
Rachael Lee

b.1969, Brisbane

Rachael Lee approaches her printmaking with the same curiosity that she brings to exploring her local natural surroundings. From an early age she has sensed nature’s calming effects and through veils of ink she depicts nature’s soothing rhythms, seen and unseen. Rachael holds a diploma in Fine Art from Southbank Institute of TAFE (1999). Since then, she has exhibited seven solo exhibitions throughout Southeast Queensland becoming one of Logan City’s most valued creative practitioners. Her work has been acquired for the Logan Art Collection and her permanent public artworks are located in suburbs across her home city. Further career highlights include Rachael’s work being acquired for three Queensland hospitals, receiving local and state funding to exhibit regionally, and undertaking an artist in residency at Canberra’s prestigious Megalo Print Studio while being mentored by renowned artist G. W. Bot (2016). Rachael recently co-curated a print collaboration for Migaloo Press Artists Collective with Victoria’s Firestation Print Studio. Works by over 30 artists were exhibited between May and July 2022.