Methods of printmaking

Intaglio: The printing surface is below the surface of the plate. An image is cut or etched into a plate. Ink is applied into the recessed areas and the surface wiped clean. Dampened paper is placed over the inked surface of the plate and rolled through an etching press (e.g.) dry point, collagraph

Relief: The printing surface is raised. The artist cuts away areas of the block not meant to print. Ink is applied to the surface of the plate usually via a roller. Paper is placed over the inked surface and the image is either hand printed or run through a press. (e.g.) Linocut

Printmaking processes and terms

Bleed print: Printed image extends to the edge of the paper. The block is larger than the paper.

Blind Embossing: The pattern of the non-inked printing block is impressed into a sheet of paper.

Chine-colle: A technique for bonding two paper surfaces together via the printing process.

Collagraph:Intaglio printmaking process by which textured materials are used to create a plate. The plate is usually made of sealed cardboard, built up by gluing a variety of low relief textural materials. The plate can also be incised to remove layers of the plate.

Drypoint: Intaglio printmaking process in which a design is drawn often on a plastic plate with a sharp, pointed needle-like instrument. As the tool is scratched into the plate it creates a burr on either side of the incised line. Thiscreates a soft quality to the linework.

Edition: A number of prints pulled from the one block. Usually a limited number of prints denoted by the bottom number in the fraction written on the lower left-hand side of the print.

Etching press: A printing press consisting of a bed plate on which the printing block and paper are placed and covered with felt blankets. This is rolled between a top and bottom roller via turning a handwheel. Screw down gauges adjust the pressure depending on the thickness of the block.

Linocut:Relief printmaking process where Lino or linoleum is used as the block. Sharp tools are used to remove areas of the block forming the negative space of the image, (they become the white areas in a print).

Stencil: Anything that blocks ink from printing in a particular area is a stencil (e.g.) thin paper, cardboard or synthetic films. The stencils themselves can also be inked and printed.

Unique state:A one of a kind print. Not an edition.

Printmaking papers

Somerset– 100% cotton printmaking paper from the St Cuthbert’s mill, England

Magnani Acquerello– 100% cotton watercolour paper from the Magnani mill, Italy